November 8, 2018

Preventive Steps to Protect Your Home (and Your Bank Account) Throughout the Winter

Plunging temperatures have homeowners preparing for the colder months – winterizing and seasonal maintenance are important homeowner tasks to ensure you make it through the winter without any frustrating, costly, and sometimes avoidable mishaps. Below are preventive, cost-effective tips for winterizing your home.


  1. Dodge the Draft

 If you have an older home or windows and doors that create a draft during the colder months, block the drafts with a rolled towel or purchase (or make) a draft guard. These draft guards are rolled, weighted insulators that are installed/placed against the door to block the draft, keeping your energy bills down.


  1. Program Your Thermostat

It’s easy to forget to turn down the heat until you see the first heating bill. Plan ahead by programming the thermostat to a lower temperature while you’re away. We suggest turning down the heat especially during the day while you are at work or at night while you are sleeping, which can save you between 1 and 3 percent on your heating bill. Why heat the whole house when you aren’t there?


  1. Install a tankless water heater

Did you know—water heaters are the second-largest energy users in the home? During the winter months, energy bills can soar due to heating your home—and heating water can add to it. Tankless water heaters operate only when the need for hot water is detected and shut down when the demand for hot water ceases, they use less energy (in some cases up to 40 percent less energy) than tank-style water heaters and produce an endless supply of hot water. By installing a tankless water heater, not only could you save money, but you also eliminate the possibility of taking a cold shower due to someone using all the hot water.


  1. Clean Your Gutters

When leaves start falling, gutters start overflowing. Make sure water can flow freely through your gutters. Cleaning out your gutters regularly will prevent ice dams and icicles from forming, which can prevent flooding and even damage to your gutter system.


  1. Turn Fans Clockwise

If you have ceiling fans throughout your house, flip the switch and get fans moving in the clockwise direction so they push hot air from the ceiling to the floor (remember, heat rises, so circulation is key). A perfect time to remember to do this is when you turn the heat on for the winter season or when you turn clocks back for daylight savings time.


  1. Keep Up on Regular Maintenance

This might seem like an obvious task, but performing regular maintenance on larger appliances such as your HVAC systems and water heater will keep them working like new and keep frustrations at bay when it’s the dead of winter and you don’t have hot water or a warm home. Calling a professional technician for these tasks is highly suggested as they might be able to pinpoint issues before they become major headaches later. To find Rinnai-trained independent dealer or advanced comfort expert in your area, click here.