Tankless: Your Most Important Appliance
Some people like to say, “Out of sight, out of mind.” We beg to differ. While your home’s hot water system isn’t as visible as your other appliances, its importance outweighs them all. Switching to a Rinnai tankless water heater improves your home’s performance and elevates your family’s lifestyle. It’s the smart choice to make.
The Heart of Your Home
Think of plumbing as your home’s vital arteries, supplying critical fluid—in this case, hot water—to critical areas at critical times. At the center of this system is your hot water heater. If it fails to perform as needed, everything it supports—showering, bathing, washing dishes and clothes—will fail too.
Learn More About TanklessTANKLESS IS MORE
Durability Meets Performance
Because your hot water heater is your home’s most important appliance, it’s imperative that it be the most reliable one as well. Rinnai tankless water heaters are built to accommodate your complete household’s unique needs at a performance level unmatched by other appliances or traditional tanks.
*Source: "How Much Do Home Appliances Cost?", courtesy of Angie’s List.
Living a Tankless Life
Your family deserves hot water when they want it, where they want it, and for as long as they want it. With a Rinnai tankless, you’ll never need to worry about running out of hot water again, even when there are multiple showers running simultaneously with the dishwasher and washing machine.
Efficiency & Peace of Mind
Unlike traditional tanks, Rinnai tankless water heaters only run when they’re being used, saving significant energy without sacrificing performance or convenience. And because they’re backed by the industry’s best warranty, you can set your worries aside and enjoy that long, hot shower you so deserve.

Clean, Compact Design
Say goodbye to that rusty ticking time bomb hiding in your basement or crawlspace. Rinnai tankless water heaters boast a clean, elegant design that you don’t have to hide. And because they’re about the size of a carry-on suitcase, they can be installed in convenient locations like closets and mud rooms, or even outdoors.
Learn More About Tankless BenefitsTHE SMART CHOICE
Sophisticated, Simple, Technology
It's time your water heater caught up with your other premium appliances. Rinnai tankless water heaters with Smart-Circ™ Intelligent Recirculation™ learn your water usage behavior and activate recirculation to provide you with hot water faster based on your regular schedule. In addition, with our RWM200 module (purchased separately), you can set schedules with your phone or voice or have your selected Rinnai PRO remotely monitor your unit.
Learn More About Smart-Circ™